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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spill the Beans, Already!

Sorry for the lack of posts lately.  I've been going through a bit of a change:

 A bunch of you probably got the hint from my Pinterest board.  I couldn't help myself!  You all know my (un)healthy addiction to Pinterest! 

We are excited and super surprised to say the least.  I can't express ENOUGH the extent of our surprise.  We were told by more than one medical professional that we would never be able have children on our own.  Little Mister finally came to us by way of in vitro fertilization after years of trying, invasive tests and procedures, and disappointing results.  He is truly our little blessing and there isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't make me smile at the miracle of it all. 

So apparently as the story goes for many in our shoes after going through fertility treatments or adoption, we took it easy and didn't worry too much about having another one anytime soon.  We were convinced that it couldn't happen to us, right?  Wrong!  It was only after a couple weeks of just feeling downright crappy and (coincidentally) I had my yearly scheduled with my OB/GYN that I requested, "While I'm here, could I get a pregnancy test?"  At that point, I had a feeling but wanted to be certain. 

My next phone call was to Matt:
"Are you sitting down?"

I haven't been 100% but I'm feeling that second trimester resurgence so I'm taking advantage while I can.  Running after an energetic toddler has left me less time to worry about the little things this time around and trust that my body will do what it's supposed to do so long as I keep eating healthy and getting lots of rest.   We ask Little Mister if he knows what's in Mommy's belly - he says "Bebe."  (swoon!)  He's going to be a wonderful big brother and we are looking forward to the new adventure.

Oh and by the way, it's a girl!  Let the shopping commence!

Until next time!
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